ARBS Special Show Offer Extended!

Published on 28 April, 2010

The ARBS special show offer has been extended by a week! Send in your purchase order by the end of Wednesday, 5th of May, and if you had your tag swiped at the ARBS trade show, you're eligible for the special introductory discount price.

The Plandroid special introductory offer introduced at ARBS 2010 has been extended by a week!

To give you the chance to evaluate the newly released beta (version, we are offering an extra week to take advantage of the ARBS special offer. If you visited the DelftRed Plandroid stand at the show and had your entry tag swiped, then you are eligible for a special introductory offer on purchasing our software. If we receive your P.O. by the end of Wednesday 5th of March mentioning "Special Show Offer" and you are on our swipe list, then you are eligible for a special price on your first year licence of only $1850 instead of the recommended retail price of $3990. Price includes upgrades and technical support.

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